Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough

Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough – Step by Step Guide

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Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough is one of the most popular puzzle adventure game ever on the mobile phone platform. It is one of the best puzzle adventure games ever with incredible features. The gameplay of this game is remarkable. The features are also brilliant. If you love to play games of that genre then this game is for you. The graphic and sound quality of this game is highly recommended. Lost Lands 4 is offered by FIVE-BN GAMES.

This game successfully hit 1M + downloads on the Google Play Store. It was released on July 26, 2019, and became a very famous puzzle adventure game. In this game, you can solve many outstanding puzzles and have an exciting gaming experience. You can solve many mini-games. There are many different locations that you can explore and solve to get amazing rewards. Many adventure puzzle games that are occurring nowadays but Lost Lands 4 is one of the best Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough games ever. So what are you waiting for download this game now and enjoy its excellent gaming experience.

Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough

The following are all the steps and chapters in Lost Lands 4

Chapter 1 At Home

* Grab the PEN (A) and Mobile Phone (B).

* Put up the logbook and spot the CELL PHONE (C).

* Choose the pin (D), then the cell phone three terms (E).

* Use the PEN, enter the code ‘4815162342’, verify it, and seize the occult gloves (F).

* Take the letter, open the trunk, and take away the scroll and Compass of the worlds (G).

* Unlock the gate (H).

* Go ahead.

* Chat to Finger (I).

* Spot the compass of the worlds (J).

* Play the mini-games.

* Key: (K-counterclockwisex2)-1-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-2-(K-clockwisex4)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-1-(K-cwx4)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-cwx3)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-2-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx4)-1-(K-ccwx4).

* Peel off the cloak and have fun with the HOP (L); obtain the BLUNT KNIFE.

* Utilize the blunt knife (M).

* Go ahead.

* Carry the wood shaving (N).

* Go ahead.

* Chat with Cork (O).

* Put up the hammer (P) and tea leaves (Q).

* Step down.

* Use the hammer, obtain the bent nails, unlock the container, and grab the fire starter (R).

* Utilize the hammer on the bent nails; obtain the nails.

* Go ahead.

* Provide the nails (S).

* Have fun playing the mini-game.

* Answer: (T).

* Bend right.

* Utilize the hammer (U).

* Go ahead.

* Examine the tangle (V).

* Spot the tea leaves (W); unlock the gate and utilize the wood shaving (X).

* Seize the long club and peel off entities 3 terms (Y).

* Bend left.

* Grab the bucket (Z), pry bars (A), and ignite (B).

* Utilize the long club (C); obtain the steering wheel.

* Stroll down.

* Utilize the pry bars (D); accept the metal bars.

* Utilize the kindling, fire starter, and blunt knife (E); desire and shift the tea leaves (F).

* Step down.

* Spot the steering wheel (G) and bucket (H), shift the steering wheel twice, and put up the bucket of water.

* Go ahead.

* Use the bucket of water (I), lid (J), and kettle (K); grab the cup of tea.

* Provide the cup of tea (L).

* Run downstairs.

* Grab the whetstone (M) and crystals 1/5 (N).

* Push the covering and seize the shovel blade (O).

* Choose the cup (P).

* Use the blunt knife to the whetstone; obtain the harsh knife.

* Place the long club on the shovel blade, apply the hash knife to the club, select the club; receive the shovel.

* Go to the Bay Shore.

* Employ the shovel and take the fish figurine (Q).

* Pull the rope (R).

* Enter the Ship.

* Talk to the man twice (S).

* Take crystals 2/5 (T) and note the symbols (U).

* Walk down twice.

* Spot the fish figurine (V) and have fun with the leap.

* Mini-game solution 1: (W).

* Mini-game solution 2: (X).

* Receive the fragment.

* Go to the Grey Flounder Deck.

* Place the fragment (Y).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: D-F-A-C-F-Z-B-G-D-B-E-Z-C-E-G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-Z-A.

* Take the hand and key.

* Go to the Cellar.

* Use the KEY (H).

* Climb up.

* Place the ladder (I).

* Take the AXE (J).

* Grab the cinch choice and report (K); obtain the recipe.

* Grab the equipment (L) and the lit candle (M).

* Unlock both gates (N); set the arrow (green).

* Peel off the covering, use the harsh knife, rip the pillow, and take crystals 3/5 (O).

* Walk down twice.

* Spot the candle (P); obtain the candle.

* Go to the Grey Flounder Deck.

* Place the GEAR (Q).

* Select the crane (R).

* Walk down.

* Use the harsh knife and take crystals 4/5 (S).

* Go to the Captain’s House.

* Climb up (T).

* Spot the candle (U); carry the beaver rump (V).

* Go to the Beaverling’s Burrow.

* Place the beaver tail W), push it, and take crystals 5/5 (X).

* Go to the Intersection.

* Place 5 crystals (Y).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (Z).

* Turn right.

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Chapter 2: The Road To The Castle

* Utilize the AXE (A).

* Investigate the backpack (B).

* Have fun playing the mini-game.

* Answer: (C).

* Grab the control.

* Seize the HAND and examine the character (D).

* Go ahead.

* Utilize the severe knife (E), obtain the ROPE, and have fun with the hop.

* Mini-game answer: Ix2-K-J-I-K-L-Kx3.

* Obtain the pendulum.

* Get on to the Captain’s Home.

* Spot the arrow (M), and pendulum (N), and yank the pendulum; carry the memo and switch (O).

* Get on to the Yarl’s Castle.

* Spot 2 control (P).

* Have fun with the mini-game.

* Answer: Q-Rx3-Qx2-Rx3-Q-Rx2-Qx2-Rx2-Q.

* Take off through the gate.

* Discussion to the Yarl (S).

* Seize the rock pill (T) and rag (U).

* Shift things and seize the glass (V).

* Spot the rah on the mirror; obtain the handmade mirror.

* Manipulate the mirror and kink choose (W).

* Go ahead.

* Speak to Nitielle (X)

* Grab the plank (Y) and record (Z).

* Spot the plank and record (A); assign the plank.

* Grab the rock 1/5 and seat the rock pill (B).

* Appoint controls 1-3.

* Go ahead.

* Grab the SPEAR (C).

* Play the mini-game.

* Answer: Ex4-Ix2-G-I-Gx5-F-G-F-G-F-Gx2-F-Hx5-G-Fx4-Jx2.

* Carry the key.

* Seize the golbin’s hair (K).

* Go ahead.

* Grab the primitive knife (L).

* Spot the key (M).

* Step down double.

* Employ the primitive knife and carry the arrow (N).

* Put up the owl figurine from the arrow.

* Go ahead doubled.

* Spot the arrow (O); bend the key (P).

* Exploit the primitive knife Q) to develop the thorn and utilize the spear (R).

* Operate the primitive knife (S); obtain STONE 2/5.

* Catch lever 1/4 (T).

* Go ahead.

* Play the hop (U).

* Mini-game answer: 1-10.

* Accept the energy sphere.

* Grab lever 2/4 (V).

* Grab stone 3/5 (W).

* Run upstairs.

* Assume lever 3/4 (X), rock 4/5, and spot the energy sphere (Y).

* Bring the two-pronged staff (Z) and hammer (A).

* Bend right.

* Seize lever 4/4 (B).

* Manipulate the two-pronged team (C); carry the feather and the rock 5/5 (D).

* Step down twofold.

* Position 5 rocks (E) and 4 levers (F); drag the reel.

* Withdraw the rocks, unlock the crate, and put up the symbol (G).

* Take off to the Portal.

* Niche the character (H); choose the committee.

* Have fun with the mini-game.

* Answer:1-2-3-4-5-6-5-7-8-9-10-9-11.

* Assume the planner model (I).

* Speak to the dude (J); accept the key.

* Locate the planet model (K).

* Get on to the Castle Hall.


Chapter 3: The Throne Room

* Put in the key and contort it (L).

* Go ahead.

* Endure the glass sphere (M).

* Get on to the Bay Shore.

* Locate the glass sphere and carry the adrenaline vial (N).

* Proceed to the Highway to the Castle.

* Employ the adrenaline vial(O); bring the drowsy flower and fragments (P).

* Slash the drowsy flower with the primitive knife; accept the drowsy flower roots and put up the dozing blooms.

* Get on to the Beaverling’s Property.

* Location the sleeping blooms and withdraw the dressing (Q); clutch the lard (R).

* Step down.

* Speak to Corko (S); welcome the key.

* Locale the fragment (T).

* Recreate the mini-game.

* Answer: (U).

* Accept the vacant flask.

* Go along.

* Employ the empty flask (V); obtain the vial of vampire blood.

* Put in the key (W); spin it.

* Join the Granary.

* Put up the tongs (X), assign the twisting (Y), and peel off a knife (Z).

* Usage the lard (A); carry the juicer (B).

* Assign the clasp (C) and yank the lever (D).

* Try the Secret way.

* Manipulate the tongs and carry the disk (E).

* Belong to the Granary.

* Residence the dist (F) and use the twist to it (G); haul the grip (H).

* Choose the gadget (I); carry the planks (J).

* Proceed to the Entrance.

* Site the planks (K).

* Grab the SAW (L); peel off the arrow (M).

* Get on to the Ferry.

* Use the saw (N); accept the bamboo rod.


* Ready the formula: (1-2)-(3-4)-(5-4)-(4-6)-(4-7).

* Acquire the sleeping dart.

* Go to the Throne place.

* Employ the Dart (O).

* Have fun with the HOP (P).

* Mini-game answer: 1-4.

* Obtain the flower.

* Choose and grab the key (Q).

* Insert the key, take the cord, harsh knife, hammer, and shackles, place the flower, and put up the figurine (R).

* Move to the Pantheon.

* Position the shackles and utilize the hammer (S).

* Run upstairs.

* Grab the tile (T) and the portal (U).

* Take off to the Castle Hall.

* Spot the major tile (V).

* Have fun playing the mini-game.

* Key: (X-1)-(Z-2)-(W-3)-(Y-4)-(Z-5)-(W-6)-(Z-7)-(X-8).

* Put the portal.

* Move to the Portal.

* Paet 2 portal parts (A).

* Move down through the exit.

* Employ the hammer (B); assume the hook (C).

* Location the rope on the hook and assign it; accept the rope with the hook.

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Chapter 4: The Energy Reservoir

* Lob the rope with a clip (D); accept the medallion.

* Choose the medallion redoubled; collect the turtle figurine.

* Go ahead.

* Scan the region (E).

* Look over the description (F).

* Move to Yarl’s Castle.

* Have fun playing the mini-game.

* Answer: 1-3.

* Put up the apple.

* Establish the apple twofold; accept the grains and carry the apple body.

* Walk down.

* Area the grains (G); assume the snake figurine (H).

* Get on to the Necropolis gate.

* Position the turtle and snake (I).

* Recreate the mini-game.

* Answer: (J-right)-(K-down)-(L-upx2)-(M-left)-(K-down)-(N-left)-(O-left)-(P-down)-(Q-right).

* Bring the rock plate.

* Move to the Bay Shore.

* Seat the stone dish and carry the jar (R).

* Select the JAR WITH SAND twice; receive the EMPTY JAR and take the STONE CROWN.

* Go to the Cellar.

* Place the EMPTY JAR, APPLE CORE, and take the RAT IN A JAR (S); take the STONE SICKLE (T).

* Go to the Pannonian Island.

* Position the Rat (U).

* Have fun playing the mini-game.

* Key: W-X-W-Y-V-V-Y-X.

* Handle the rock book.

* Reach the Castle Hall.

* Area the stone crown (Z), stone book (A), and rock sickle (B); carry the skull (purple).

* Go to the Intersection.

* Place the SKULL (C).

* Take the GAFF (D).

* Go to the Energy Reservoir.

* Take up the GAFF (E).

* Look over the dish (F).

* Go ahead.

* Grab the rake (G).

* Manipulate the knocker (H).

* Assume the cube (I).

* Move to the Bay Shore.

* Slot the cube and carry the stone sword (J).

* Run to the Pangonian’s Home.

* Utilize the rock sword (K); develop the sword.

* Step down.

* Employ the sword, rake, and grab the hose and portion (L).

* Go ahead.

* Place the hose (M); obtain the nut.

* Check the region (N).

* Amusement of the mini-game.

* Answer: Catch the hamster (leafy) 10 terms.

* Go to the Lighthouse.

* Position the PIECE (O) and have fun with the HOP.

* Mini-game key 1: (P).

* Mini-game key 2: (Q).

* Accept the HELMET.

* Move to the Cellar.

* Area the FAUCET NUT and bend it (R); put up the MUG OF RUM (S).

* Move to the Cliff Descend.

* Area the HELMET (T).

* Go along twice.

* Speak to Sheeleesa (U).

* Bring the CRYSTAL (V).

* Extract the covering (W).

* Proceed to the Main Sanctuary.

* Position the crystal (X).

* Veer around right.

* Grab the cube (Y).

* Check the location (Z).

* Jest the mini-game.

* Key: (A).

* Examine the region (B).

* Stretch the mini-game.

* Key: (C).

* Get on to the Bay Shore.

* Spot the cube and carry the figurine (D).

* Wander down.

* Lodging the figurine and inspecting room (E).

* Recreation of the mini-game.

* Key: (F).

* Carry the tablets with digits.

* Take off to the Corridor of the trials.

Chapter 5: The Archmage Tomb


* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (H).

* Go forward.

* Take the KEY (I).

* Go to the Pangonian’s Living Room.

* Use the KEY and take the PAGE and MOUNTAIN GEAR (J).

* Walk down three times.


* Turn left.

* Take the WATERING CAN (L).

* Use the HAMMER and take the MAMMOTH BRAIN and WATER SYMBOL (M).

* Go to the Pantheon.

* Place the WATER SYMBOL, SWORD, SAW, and HAMMER and take the note and PATTERNED TILE (N).

* Go to the Archmage Tomb.

* Place the PAGE (O).

* Go to the Pannonian Island.

* Push the rock, open the bag, move the cloth and take the PLANET MODEL, SMALL BOX, and NEEDLES (P).

* Place the SMALL BOX and open it (Q); use the NEEDLES (R) and take the THERMITE CASKET.

* Go to the Cliff Descend.

* Place the PATTERNED TILE (S).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (T).

* Use the WATERING CAN (U); receive the WATER OF LIFE IN A POT.

* Go to the Archmage Tomb.


* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: Choose 9 four-leaf clovers (blue).

* Receive the HANDFUL OF CLOVER.

* Go to the Pantheon.


* Prepare the ritual: (1-2)-(3-4)-2-5-(5-4)-(1-4)-(6-4)-(7-4).

* Go to the Archmage Tomb.

* Talk to Fahira (W).


* Go to the Castle Hall.

* Place FAHIRA’S HAND (Y).

* Turn left.

* Take WHETSTONE 2/5 (Z).

* Use the HAMMER and select the chalk (A).

* Read note (B).

* Open the chest and take the note, KEY, and SNAKE FIGURINE (C).

* Insert the KEY (D) and play the HOP.

* Mini-game solution: Ex4-Fx7-Gx16.

* Receive the GLASS.

* Go to the Throne Room.

* Place the GLASS (H).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (I).

* Go to the Secret Passage.


* Go to the Throne Room.

* Use the PRISM OF SPELLS (K).

* Go to the Archmage Laboratory.

* Activate sections 1-5.

* Assemble the picture correctly (L).

* Take note, of VIAL, and UNUSUAL KEY (M).

* Go to the Main Sanctuary.

* Use the VIAL (N); receive the WATER OF DEATH.

* Go to the Energy Reservoir.

* Place the UNUSUAL KEY and take WHETSTONE 3/5 and the HAND FIGURINE (O).

* Go forward.

* Use the WATER OF DEATH (P); receive the WATER VIAL.

* Go to the Pangonian’s Living Room.


* Unfold the TRACING PAPER; take the KEY and TRACING PAPER.

* Go to the Lighthouse.

* Use the KEY (R); receive the BROKEN LENS.

* Go to the Corridor of Trials.

* Place the SKULL PIECES (S).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (T).

* Take the MAN FIGURINE (U).

* Go to the Archmage Laboratory.

* Place the TRACING PAPER (V); use the coal (W), and take the PUNCH CARD.

* Go to the Secret Passage.

* Use the PUNCH CARD (X).

* Go to the Wall.

* Place the MAN FIGURINE and take the OAR (Y).

* Go to the Cliff Descend.

* Place the OAR (Z).

* Turn right.

Chapter 6: Obiang’s Ship of Lost Lands 4 

* Take the KEY RING (A); select the board (B).

* Take WHETSTONE 5/5 (C); use the KEY RING (D).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (E).

* Take the WIRE CUTTERS.

* Use the WIRE CUTTERS, open the grid, take the GLOVES, open the barrel, and take the FLINT (F).

* Use the FLINT (G).

* Go to the Captain’s House.

* Use 5 WHETSTONES and the HAMMER (H).

* Go to the Cliff Descend.

* Use the GLOVES (I); receive the WEED.

* Go to the Wall.

* Place the WEED (J).

* Go to Obian’s Ship.

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: 1-5.

* Do this sequence 3 times.

* Go to the Energy Reservoir.

* Take the TILE (K).

* Place the TILE (L).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (O-left)-(O-down)-(M-left)-(M-down)-(M-right)-(P-down)-(P-left)-(N-right)-(N-up)-(O-up).


* Play the mini-game.

* Draw symbols 1-3.

* Talk to the Captain (R); receive the KEY.

* Go to the Captain’s House.

* Place the KEY, take the KNOB, and note the time sketch (S).

* Place the KNOB (T) to play the HOP.

* Mini-game solution 1: (U).

* Mini-game solution 2: (V).

* Receive the SMALL BOX.

* Enter the correct time and take the KEY (W).

* Go to the Grey Flounder Deck.

* Insert the KEY (X).

* Go forward.

* Move the glass and take the KEY (Y); take the MUSICAL SCHEMATICS (Z).

* Insert the KEY into the SMALL BOX; take the DOG FIGURINE and COMPONENT.

* Open the chest, take the CLOTHES, and DEER FIGURINE (A).


* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: 1-2-3-4-5-6-1.


* Place the COMPONENT and take the LION FIGURINE (C).

* Go to the Secret Passage.


* Go to Yarl’s Castle.

* Place the STONE PIECE (F).

* Go to the Energy Reservoir.

* Give the SWORD and CLOTHES (G).

* Go to the Pangonian’s Living Room.

* Talk to Sheeleesa (H); receive the BRUSH.

* Walk down twice.

* Use the BRUSH (I).

* Go forward.

* Talk to Sheeleesa (J).

* Take the FISHING NET (K).

* Go to the Ferry.

* Use the FISHING NET (L); select the net and take the FISH and SNOWFLAKE (M).

* Go to the Bay Shore.

* Use the FISH and SHARP KNIFE (N); receive the MOLLUSK.

* Open the MOLLUSK with the SHARP KNIFE; take the MOLLUSK and SHELL.

* Go to the Archmage Laboratory.

* Place the SNOWFLAKE (O); take the STING OF FROST (P).

* Go to the Lighthouse.

* Place the SHELL (Q).

* Go to the Energy Reservoir.

* Give the MOLLUSK (R); receive the SKULL.

* Go to the Archmage Tomb.

* Place the SKULL (S).

* Turn the switch (T) and take the WHALE OIL (U); insert the HALF-MOON and take the PICK-AXE (V).

* Go to the Wall.

* Use the PICK-AXE (W); take the CLAY (X).

* Place the BROKEN LENS on the CLAY, assemble the pieces, and take the GLASS IN THE CLAY.

* Go to Yarl’s Castle.


* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: 1-3.

* Use the HAMMER and take the LENS (green).

* Go to the Lighthouse.

* Place the LENS (Z) and fasten it (A).

* Go to the Pangonian’s Living Room.

* Use the WHALE OIL and enter the correct code (B).

* Play the HOP (C).

* Mini-game solution 1: (D).

* Mini-game solution 2: (E-1)-(F-2)-(I-5)-(G-3)-(H-4)-(G-6)-(H-7).

* Receive the PLANET MODEL.

* Go to the Portal.

* Place 3 PLANET MODELS (J).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution: (K).

* Take the LIGHT (blue).

* Go to the Lighthouse.

* Place the LIGHT (L).

* Select the lens (M).

* Play the mini-game.

* Solution part 1: (N).

* Solution part 2: Ox4-Px8.

* Congratulations! You have completed Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough: The Wanderer.

Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough FAQ

1. What is Lost Lands 4? Lost Lands 4 is an adventure puzzle game that transports players to a fantasy world filled with complex puzzles, engaging storylines, and hidden object scenes. Players embark on a quest to save the Lost Lands from impending doom by solving puzzles, interacting with characters, and uncovering secrets.

2. Is Lost Lands 4 suitable for all ages? Yes, Lost Lands 4 is designed to be accessible and enjoyable for players of all ages. Its captivating storyline, lack of violent content, and challenging puzzles make it suitable for both younger players and adults looking for a thrilling adventure.

3. How difficult are the puzzles in Lost Lands 4? The puzzles in Lost Lands 4 range from relatively straightforward to quite challenging. The game is designed to progressively increase in difficulty, providing players with hints and a built-in walkthrough for moments when they might get stuck.

4. Can I play Lost Lands 4 without having played the previous games? Yes, you can play Lost Lands 4 without prior experience with the earlier games in the series. While the game is part of a larger narrative, it provides enough context and background information for new players to understand the storyline and characters.

5. What types of puzzles can I expect in Lost Lands 4? Lost Lands 4 offers a variety of puzzle types, including hidden object scenes, logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and riddles. The game also features interactive puzzles that require manipulating objects and solving problems to advance the story.

6. Are there any tips for beginners playing Lost Lands 4? For beginners, it’s advisable to take your time exploring each scene thoroughly, collect all available items, and not hesitate to use the hint system when stuck. Paying close attention to the storyline and dialogue can also provide clues essential for solving puzzles.

7. How long does it take to complete Lost Lands 4? The completion time for Lost Lands 4 varies based on the player’s experience level and how much time they spend exploring and solving puzzles. On average, it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 hours to complete the game.

8. Does Lost Lands 4 have a multiplayer mode? No, Lost Lands 4 is a single-player game focused on delivering a rich narrative and solo puzzle-solving experience. There is no multiplayer mode available.

9. Is there a walkthrough available for Lost Lands 4? Yes, there are walkthroughs available for Lost Lands 4, including step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and forums where players can seek advice and share strategies. These resources are invaluable for players needing assistance with particularly tricky puzzles or finding hidden objects.

10. Can I get stuck in Lost Lands 4? What should I do if I can’t solve a puzzle? While it’s possible to get stuck on a challenging puzzle in Lost Lands 4, the game provides a hint system to help guide players. If you’re still struggling, consulting a walkthrough or seeking advice from other players in online forums can provide the assistance needed to move forward.

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